Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Dear Mrs. Jane,

Oh my. Please take pity on me. As you are probably aware, it has been very VERY cold in my part of the country the past couple of days. Well, somehow (I don't know how, but I think my frog-head wife may have been involved) my beloved Mr. Tundy got out of the house and nearly froze to death this weekend. I found him ouside - he had ice on his wiskers and couldn't even meow! I took him to the emergency room and he is now in a kitty coma. :( Needless to say, I have been keeping vigil by Mr. Tundy's bedside so I have not been able to wire the money. But I will the moment he wakes up!

Please pray for Mr. Tundy.


Dear skip.
We wait for you to send the money. remember we must start the work by monday morning here.I hope you are able to make it.
I pry for you
Mrs Jane

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