Thursday, February 8, 2007

Dear Stupid-head,

You are a huge frog-face! Let me educate you: I would NOT have sent the money had I received your email yesterday, you dumb carrot! I sent the money, and then this morning I read your frog-email, but it was too late.

You keep playing games with me because you want to steal the money the Senator owes me. You are never able to get in touch with him because he does not like you and you are trying to steal from him. You are a frogwoman with rice brains. You have stupid hair and spell like a dolphin! I am not afraid of my shadow because I can trust my shadow and it does not resemble a frog like yours does.

I have the MTCN number shoeface! And I will not give it to you! And I will not give it to Mr. Sam STupid either. I will give it directly to the Senator because he is the only one who I can trust!

And Mr. Tundy is still in a coma - not that you care! If he dies it is your fault!

Dear Skip,
Whatever you say. I know for sure that you did not pay the money yersterday because I did not write you yesterday nor insulted you at any time. You are only afraid of your shadows.Mr Sam will not call you nor the Senator.I cannot reach the Senator at this time but I have forwarded your email to him. I know that he will not write you because He knows you are only kidding.What is insultive about my telling you the truth.The money is your and it to process payment that belongs to you so it is non of my personal business if send the number or not.Are you suppose to send money and keep the MTCN number in the first place?
Ask yourself.
Regards as usual.

Dear Mrs. Jane,
You are confused, Mr. Tundy is a CAT, not a dog! Please, do not ever let Mr. Tundy hear you call him a dog! They are natural enemies! Also, you should pay better attention, it is my wife who is responsible for the delay. She is the one who put Mr. Tundy out into the frozen tundra of my backyard!!! I'm not sure, but I think that I detected some sarcasm in your message. Why do you insist on insulting me? One minute you are serious, and they next minute you are making fun of me. Do you think my brain is made out of rice? By the way, I sent the money yesterday afternoon. I have the MTCB number or whatever they call it, but I don't think I can trust you. Please have the Senator or Mr. Efe email me and I will give it to them. But I will tell you that I changed the text question to this: Who is a frogwoman? Answer: Mrs.Jane Thomas! Now you will be embarassed in front of your collegues, but I think you deserve it for making fun of me! I think you have shown your true color, MRs. Jane, and it is GREEN because you are a frog woman! I think you are working for my wife or Mr. Cortez!

You are stupid,

How are you today Mr Skip.

You have finally decided to come out in your true colour. Now it is yourdog not your wife that is responsible for your inability to send the moneyneeded to process your payment.Good luck to you and your dog.
Mrs Jane Thomas

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